Holistic Therapy

We are delighted to announce that we hold a monthly Wellness Day at Beauty 88!

We have carefully chosen special treatments that concentrate on benefiting your health and wellbeing. The treatments we offer are:-

  •  (Ayurvedic means science of life)

    A bespoke Marma Point Massage Therapy which is incredibly relaxing.  It also includes Reiki to help rebalance and rejuvenate your body.

    Wondering what Marma Points are?

    There are Marma Points all over the body. These points are where the lifeforce energy connects with your tissues and organs.  Over time, these can become blocked and less functional with stress, some lifestyle choices, illnesses and medications etc.  This massage not only has all the benefits of a normal massage, it also helps to detoxify and revitalise your body, leaving you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and incredible. We have included Reiki in this treatment. Reiki means energy, or life force prana. It helps to rebalance and activate these points for a double-hit of blissful-ness! We believe that this 5 star treatment is only available here!

    Other Ayurvedic treatments on offer are:-

    Ayurvedic Abdominal Massage to reduce stress, bloating, and help with detoxification. Did you know that the stomach is the second brain and that it communicates with the brain in our heads.

    Ayurvedic foot and leg massage

    Ayurvedic Facial with lifting massage.

    Other treatments include:-

    Reflexology as a spa treatment.  This includes essential oil inhalation and a relaxing scalp massage on a warmed bed.  Your feet are read and massaged whilst your body destresses and relaxes.

    Aromatherapy Prescriptive Massage with aromatherapy oils, blended to your needs

    Indian Head Massage with essential oils, includes a scalp, back and face massage

    Hot Stone Massage using Basalt Volcanic warm stones to ground and sooth you with heat and draining off any negative energies leaving you feeling revitalised

    Hopi Ear Candling draining the sinuses, clearing the ear if excess impurities, and relieving headaches and allergy prone congestion.

  • What is it?

    Reiki, pronounced ray-key is a Japanese method of healing created in the early 20th Century and means Rei "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".

    Its purpose is to promote healing and relaxation and to reduce stress. It works to bring the body back into balance.

    Why should I have it?

    Not only can it reduce stress and aid relaxation it can ease depression, help improve the metabolism and alleviate joint and muscle pain.

    What happens during a treatment?

    You remain clothed throughout the treatment. Lying on the heated treatment bed (unless we are in the middle of a heatwave!), we will tuck you up in blankets to help you relax.

    Your therapist will either lay their hands on, or near to your body.

    The total appointment time is 60 minutes, this includes getting you ready for your treatment and allowing a few minutes for relaxation afterwards. If you would like a "silent" treatment, please let your therapist know.

    When shouldn't I have a treatment?

    The only time you shouldn’t have a treatment is if you have broken a bone and it hasn’t been set back into the correct place.

    What should I do after a treatment?

    Make sure you drink plenty of water. Take it easy; avoid strenuous exercise, avoid alcohol and tobacco and eat healthily.

    How often can I have this treatment?

    You can start off monthly, however every 7 to 10 days is recommended

  • What is it?

    A form of Ayurvedic massage that originated in India around 600BC.and is now popular in the West. Translated, Ayurvedic means the "science of life". It's a form of massage, which incorporates the head, neck and shoulders, working on your acupressure points

    Why should I have it?

    It can:-

    - reduce anxiety and stress

    - improve the condition of your hair and scalp and encourage hair growth

    - reduce headaches

    - aid detoxification

    - relive sinus pressure

    What happens during a treatment?

    Before your treatment, we will ask you to complete our Client Consultation form. You will need to arrive at the salon 5-10 minutes prior to your first visit to complete and discuss with your therapist.

    You will be made comfortable on a bed, which will be heated in the cooler months and you will be covered with a blanket to keep you cosy and to help you relax.

    The treatment can be delivered whilst wearing light clothing.

    No oils are used.

    The total appointment time is 30 minutes, this includes getting you ready for your treatment and allowing a few minutes for relaxation afterwards

    If you would like a "silent" treatment, please let your therapist know.

    When shouldn't I have a treatment?

    - If you have had recent surgery, you will need to obtain written consent from your consultant

    - If you have bruising or damage, including cuts and sore to the areas that will be massaged

    - If you have diabetes

    - If you suffer with epilepsy

    - If you have high blood pressure

    - If you have thrombosis

    What should I do after a treatment?

    - Ensure you drink plenty of water. This will help to flush out toxins

    - Avoid alcohol for 24 hours

    How often can I have this treatment?

    Every 7 to 10 days is recommended

  • What is it?

    Hot Stone Massage is a warming treatment that works on energy points located throughout the body to rebalance and harmonise.

    It uses smooth heated stones with the right weight to add the perfect amount of pressure.

    Why should I have it?

    The massage is a deeper massage that helps relieve any aches and pains that you might have. It’s also known to help with chronic pain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and helps with stress and relieving tension.

    What happens during a treatment?

    You massage therapist will place the gently heated stones on energy points throughout the body. The warmth helps you to relax and the weight plays a part too, followed by a massage.

    When shouldn’t I have a treatment?

    If you…

    • Are pregnant

    • Are a child

    • Suffer with high blood pressure

    • Are diabetic

    • Have cancer

    • Are epileptic

      and any other similar conditions

    What should I do after a treatment?

    Avoid any sporting activity or anything too strenuous after your massage. Drink water to help flush out those toxins and help you feel energised and refreshed, avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine for round 24 hours if possible

    How often can I have this treatment?

    You can have this once a week

  • What is it?

    It is where pressure is applied to specific reflex points on the foot.

    Why should I have it?

    Some benefits:

    • Cleanse the body of toxins

    • Boosts the immune system

    • Increase circulation

    • Promote healing

    • Balance energy

    What happens during a treatment?

    Kneading the soft fleshy ball, pulling on the toes, tracing around the heel and pushing deep into the arch are just a few of the movements you’ll experience during the treatment.

    When Shouldn’t I have a treatment?

    If you have a foot fracture, unhealed wounds or active gout in the foot. If unsure consult with your doctor first.

    What should I do after a treatment?

    • Drink lots of water to help flush toxins and stay hydrated

    • Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol for 24 hours

    • Try to rest after treatment

    • Eat a light meal

      For more info visit:


    How often can I have this treatment?

    You can have this treatment every 4-6 weeks


